Friday, July 20, 2012

12. For morality and scientific technology

Morality has been often abused by religious superstitions , fear, guilt and pretention.  We are rational individuals, in a (at least intented) rational society, therefore it is much more natural, clear and effective, to base our morality on the common (or non-common but with discretion) sense of happiness and misfortune of the individual and the community or society.
(see e.g.
The various types of systems of laws and justice, essentially were based on a need to code what is moral and practical.
The interplay of the society and the individual may be win-lose, lose-win, lose-lose and win-win.
Obviously we chose as prefered morality the win-win case. The ancient golden rule "do not do upon others what you do not want to do upon you" may be strenthened to a diamond rule:
"1) Do not do upon others what you do not want they do upon you and they do not want to do upon them, after making sure that this does not damage the society as a whole
2) Do upon others what they want to do upon them, and you want they do upon you, after making sure that this does not damage the society as a whole"

All moral rules have their exceptions. Discretion means to be able to understand honestly the intentions of those thinking the moral rule, and do the right think honestly relative to their intentions and your own consciousness, even though this may contradict the letter of the moral rule.

In particular in our civilization we need a new enhanced principle of non-violence, as described in the  diamond rule. It is not anymore enough to practice non-violence for ourselves or as society. We must be sure also that we do not utilize in unbalanced measure, the majority of the physical or financial resources of the global, so that we lead other  majorities or even minorities,  to misery unhappiness poverty deprivation and degradation , which may very  often  lead them to violence. So although we may not exercise directly violence,  we  may still create misery unhappiness, poverty, deprivation and degradation , and finally violence.

Now let us add the theme of scientific technology to morality.

It seems that science is the most dominating endeavour of knowledge and practice in the current civilization. Scientific technology requires spirituality by the inventor (from in to out) and supports (from out to in) the spirituality of the user. But if scientific technology is simply copied (reverse engineered) then  may not be an integral part of the spiritual maturity and evolution  of the users.  Then it would resemble like letting monkeys to drive public busses full of people.  Undeserving to the spiritual evolution scientific technology leads to arrogant secrete groups that try to draw value and power from the undeserving technology; It leads also to failing to make the scientific technology a good service for all. The rightful scientific technology is always a reflection of the content of the creative consciousness of the inventors and the users too. Undeserving scientific technology makes the users of it, to want to apply what ever they can discover, instead of wanting to discover only what they can apply for the good of all.

Science seeks to produce effects with the horizontal causality within one material density-reality. 
But as spiritual human beings we have also miraculous abilities of producing effects through vertical-causality among the different material densities realities. 
To become balanced spiritual human beings we have to balance those two different ways of producing effects.

There is a infallible criterion to decide the groups that keep undeserving scientific technology: They have not , and had not the spiritual evolution and maturity to discover it by themselves, only to copy it from others that do have the spiritual maturity. They are 99% technological practice and only 1% true theoretical understanding of it under comprehensive principles and laws of nature and reality. Furthermore they fail to make it publicly available,  and use it for the good of all; Instead assuming, that now that they have it, are more spiritually evolved, try to hide it from the rest of the society, which is at least equally  spiritually evolved with them. 

Scientific technology must be  

1) free from deception for other people, 
2)  free from the will to apply it for the good of few only, instead of all, 
3) free from any crypto-piracy to open democracy and its principles
4) free from any tyrannical dependence to any alien civilization.

The above remarks and analysis,  do not refer to issues of intellectual propertty of creative products and inventions, so much as of another type of phenomenon, which is not easily visible, and is relevant to what was termed as "crypto-piracy behind a theatrical democracy", mentioned in the post 6 about humanity and post 13 about decision making, and is relevant to terrorist groups, and "anti-terrorist" groups. One gets the feeling as if  this crypto-piracy has become the vehicle of an alien monstrous intention of destroying the major part of humanity , in a way that it seems that it was by environment neglecting, over-population mutual aggressiveness, financial over-debt etc., so that finally the remaining humanity becomes enslaved to this monstrous alien intention. 

Some quotes by Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

  • The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done.Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be done — that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you that often gets buried inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of behaviors induced or imposed by others on the individual.
    • Letter to "Micheal" (16 February 1970) Micheal was a 10 year old boy who had inquired in a letter as to whether Fuller was a "doer" or a "thinker".
  • Dare to be naive.
    • It is one of our most exciting discoveries that local discovery leads to a complex of further discoveries. Corollary to this we find that we no sooner get a problem solved than we are overwhelmed with a multiplicity of additional problems in a most beautiful payoff of heretofore unknown, previously unrecognized, and as-yet unsolved problems.
    • Each age is characterized by its own astronomical myriads of new, special-case experiences and problems to be stored in freshly born optimum capacity human brains — which stores in turn may disclose to human minds the presence of heretofore undiscovered, unsuspectedly existent eternal generalized principles.
    • The youth of humanity all around our planet are intuitively revolting from all sovereignties and political ideologies. The youth of Earth are moving intuitively toward an utterly classless, raceless, omnicooperative, omniworld humanity. Children freed of the ignorantly founded educational traditions and exposed only to their spontaneously summoned, computer-stored and -distributed outflow of reliable-opinion-purged, experimentally verified data, shall indeed lead society to its happy egress from all misinformedly conceived, fearfully and legally imposed, and physically enforced customs of yesterday. They can lead all humanity into omnisuccessful survival as well as entrance into an utterly new era of human experience in an as-yet and ever-will-be fundamentally mysterious Universe.
    • I am convinced that human continuance depends entirely upon: the intuitive wisdom of each and every individual . . . the individual's integrity of speaking and acting only on the individual's own within-self-intuited and reasoned initiative . . . the individual's never joining action with others as motivated only by crowd-engendered-emotionalism, or a sense of the crowd's power to overwhelm, or in fear of holding to the course indicated by one's own intellectual convictions.
    • Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment. . . . Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in Universe
    • The nearest each of us can come to God is by loving the truth.
    • It is the integrity of each individual human that is in final examination. On personal integrity hangs humanity's fate. You can deceive others, you can deceive your brain-self, but you can't deceive your mind-self — for mind deals only in the discovery of truth and the interrelationship of all truths. The cosmic laws with which mind deals are non-corruptible  Cosmic evolution is omniscient God comprehensively articulate.