Friday, July 20, 2012

2. For the Individual

In short:

The human individual must be  conceived primarily as a spiritual being with principles and values. One of the most noble values for the individual is seeking to determine his (her) destiny, and in doing so, seeking liberation and being engaged in  perpetual improvement (e.g. through education, travelling etc) engaged in social evolution , personal development and individuation.
As human beings we have the right of  responsible freedom of self-determination and we seek to become truly self-confident and free to  be responsible as much as possible for  our self, without being coerced to accept some higher institutional authority, or allow private groups to disorient  degrade and jeopardise the quality and true values of private and public life.

In more detail:

1) Individuals are to be treated with courtesy and respect by everyone else; If they are treated  discourteously or disrespectfully , it is a reflection on the others not on the individual as long as he (she) does not accept their treatment of him (her) as right.
2) Individuals are not regarded as anyone’s else property neither regard anyone else as their property.
3) Individuals have basic bill of rights repected by other individuals, authorities and communities.
4) No other individual or group has the power to determine how the individual will think and feel about himself (herself) without his (her) consent, other than the individual itself.
5) The individual is trying to be as much as possible responsible for its existence, fulfillment of desires, choices and actions, and the level of consciousness it  has in work and other activities.
6) Only the individual can choose its goals and purposes for which it lives. No one else can appropriately design his way of existence in life. The free will of the individual is becoming always deeper and deeper.
7) An individual must seek to learn as much as possible for the spiritual evolution, principles and values of his main and broad DNA galactic ancestors. This helps him chose his own spiritual principles and values that may or may not deviate from those of his ancestors.
8) The self-esteem of the individual is more valuable than any short-term rewards for its betrayal.
9) An individual human being , at a final deeper analysis, belongs neither to family, nor to community, nor to church, nor to state, nor to society. A human individual is not property. This does not mean necessarily that each individual must put an emphasis to his (her) self, above and in damage to  others, in damage to the society, and in damage to the world.
10) Individuals achieve the maximum of the mutual benefit and coordination of their intelligence, when they work for the benefit of the totality of humanity and the planet. (And even better for the benefit of the totality of congruent and of similar principles and values other civilizations in the galaxies).
11) Relations based on true communication and an exchange of values are superior to those based on the promotion of sacrifice of anyone to anyone.
12) Individuals are better served, by holding their values consciously explicitly stated , than unconsciously, and by examining them rather than holding them uncritically as not-to-be-questioned axioms. 

(see e.g. a classical book about the self-esteem of the individual  by Nathaniel Branden  )

A very good example of the psychology of the planetary scale human being, in the service of the totality of humanity and the planet is Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). A comprehensive anticipatory design scientist.

Beliefs referring to the human existence, its evolution , values and abilities 

4.1) It is  true that in the very existence of any single human being, there is the ability of miracles. It is not only that the God, or God's invocation that could make miracles. But this ability of miracles , as creative power, of the human beings, in this planet and its civilizations, has being blocked by a collective system of beliefs, relevant to the history of the particular planet and current civilization.

4.2) The human beings as souls, are magnificent and glorious immortal existences and perceivers. Souls are incarnated and reincarnated in mortal physical (of various level frequencies) human bodies. Most earthly humans have been before incarnated, in the past, in other civilizations, of other solar systems, some more times repeatedly in this planet, and some in higher frequencies material realities of other solar systems. The more advanced a civilization is, the  happier and healthier are its members, and the higher the frequency of their physical bodies. The higher the frequency in their bodies, the more love and joy  is felt , expressed , practiced and experienced. Love is the action of entertained consciousnesses of unity or oneness.  The higher the frequency and the more the love then  the more the human existence takes responsibility of its fate and way of existence , and also the more the freedom and the higher the creative powers. In addition the higher their physical  frequency, the longer the life of the human beings. 

4.3) Given that the current earthly civilization, is an emerging yet, of not very high degree of evolution, while the incarnated human existences may be, by far more experienced and advanced, it is the civilization's values and principles that must evolve and fit to the deeper values and principles of the immortal human existence, and not the opposite. But when the civilization will be sufficient advanced, then the  responsibility of the common good is active in each one, the needs of the many out-weight the needs of the few, and the common good is not manipulated by a minority of usurpers of it (either public Governments, political parties, or private money oligarchy,etc as e.g. in the ex Soviet Union or current western societies)

Some more remarks and points:

For revolutionalizing, towards a more positive mode of the  individuals psychology,  see e.g. 
Defending the individual's privacy and personal information is an important element of respect of  free will, respect of acceptable differences of the human beings, and respect of true Democracy.

One of the most significant deficiencies of the present types of  individuals in our civilization is the issues of psychological alienation. Alienation has its origins in past in slavery, tyranny or totalitarianism, where the individual had little determination and responsibility for his fate and life and even surrendering the self to fanatic religious groups. But in the modern "democratic" societies, alienation may has its origin in  unfulfilled employees life, the experience of business in the current  over-debt monetary system, seduction by mass-media through advertisements and over-consumerism, about the deeper real values of life, and even political and technological crypto-totalitarianism from external sources. The resigning of an individual from  keep trying,   living in an orderly beautiful and clean house and resigning from keep trying to create a healthy beautiful presence, though nutrition, good cloths, and exercise, might be a sign of being overwhelmed with surrounding problems, and a sign of alienation.   We could even measure the progress of the individuation and the quality of the civilization by how the alienation in the individual is reduced. 

It seems to me that a good protection umbrella for the dangers of alienation of a physical person is to "cloth" himself, if he decides to do business within a legal-scheme for his business, in other words through a type of legal company or enterprise.

From the point of view of the community and societies the   desirable virtues of the individual are : Integrity, truth, responsibility, congruence, positivity.

Here is  the 1st part of the zeitgeist video Moving Forward, that talks about the human nature.

About the happiness of the individual:

Happily achieving our goals versus, being happy, only after we achieve our goals.

Human individuals, can achieve happiness , just from being  volitional creatures.
Most of the times people think that if and when they will achieve their goal (get a better salary, buy that car or house, get married, write that book, climb that mountain, create that business etc) then they will be happy. 
Nevertheless achieving any goal may require that during the process you are already happy. May be happiness is not only a goal it may be a pre-requisite in achieving goals. Happiness may even have the effect that the physical body has higher frequency (the spin of the protons, neutrons, electrons of the body is faster). Therefore happiness is a paramount requirement in life. Happiness may seem a chimera, and a ghost that cannot be targeted directly. That is why it is easier achieved indirectly. Especially when trying to give happiness to other people. Happiness may be superficial or deeper. Choosing to experience a sequence of positive rather than negative emotions in daily life, is by itself not only cheerfulness but also happiness. Therefore our knowledge of changing our emotions is very close to our ability of being happy.

An old wise man in trying to stress our ability of being happy, by chosing our emotions used to say:

There are 7  negative emotions and  and 7 positive emotions.

A. 1. Fear 
2. Jealousy 
3. Hatred (prolonged) 
4. Revenge 
5. Greed (the negative side of greed)
6. Anger ( prolonged 

7. Superstition

B. 1. Love, 
2 Sex (the libido of the orgasm), 
4. Faith 
5. Enthusiasm  
6. Loyalty ,
7 Desire

In these 14 emotions one may find the letters of the alphabet of a language that spells either successful happiness or failure and misfortune.

These 14 emotions literally represent the keyboard of the musical scale of Life, on which an individual plays the chords of harmony that lead to happiness in its fullest meaning, or the discords of unhappiness that lead to misery and obscurity.


For practical people acting the desired actions already brings happiness. For emotional people expressing their emotions to beloved friends and partners brings happiness. And for intellectual people like scientists, discovering their long-seeked scientific explanation or proof, or writing the right code, and sequence of thoughts, brings happiness. To people oriented to power, having  more folllowers or succeeding in determining the future fate of themselves or close people, brings happiness.
Finally happiness is greater, the more is the psychic development of the individual and the civilization.

A timely sequence of the evolution process of creative changing of the self based on the choice of new values is as follows

The private space:

1) The Wandering:
Where we come from, why, our purpose and gathering our "tools".

2) Initiation:
Preparing our own path, each one different and hopefully centering.

3) Honoring:
Understanding the Source of our creation. Recognizing the sacred in oneself.

4) Stating Intention: Realizing and acknowledging ones true purpose to create Self.

5.1) Surrender : Letting go of control to allow vulnerability. To learn what is already known.

5.2) Embrace our own hidden-self :
Walking into the unknown parts of Self. Being and becoming the Void.

6) Lighting the Flame in the Heart: Connecting to Self and finding meaningful, honest, ritual.

The public space:

7) Transformation: Climbing the ladder of self-responsibility, to hold a vision of Being in One-ness, Being the vision that alters all perception.

8) Becoming Human: Empathy and compassion toward all. Being in truly responsible relationships.

9) Walking The Path: Integrating all of life's experiences. Being a teacher by Being.

10) Service: Discarding the illusion of separateness. Total approach to life in humility and joy.

11) Believing in , honoring, and service to the deeper Existence:
Giving value and practice to the Existence is the creation of Self.

The new self is created at four (4) levels   in our existence.

1) At first by introducing new life-long goals and intentions, and new global metaphors for the world.
2) Second by functioning with new thoughts, and feelings.
3) Third by conducting new activities.
4) And forth by resulting in to new possessions, as responsible interaction at subtle and coarse material levels.

The passage from the one level to the next and the overall coordination is though the virtue of congruence.

Probably one of the most difficult parts in creating self, is when this self is part of the evolution of the collective consciousness  a whole civilization, in which case tuning to it, and being appreciated and honoured is the most difficult part. 

In a less developed stage of civilization, the individuals fulfill themselves by having.
In a little more development stage of civilization, the individuals fulfill themselves by doing.
In an more advanced development stage of civilization, the individuals fulfill themselves by thinking and feeling. 
In a even more advanced development stage of civilization, the individuals fulfill themselves by being.

The ego of a personality seems to be the agent that decides and separates what we consider as self and what we consider consciousness and non-self.

The levels, be, think, do, have, define correspondingly not only different levels selves, but also different level of egos
The lower type of ego is linked with what we have and what we have not  (usually private property) and the physical body.
The bit less lower type of ego, is linked with what we do , our actions and what we  do not do.
A higher type of ego, is linked with what we think and write or produce  in creative work, and what not.
And an even higher type of ego , is linked with what we consider spiritual self, life-long intention  and what not.