Friday, July 20, 2012

13. For the decision making, politics, and power

In short:


When someone comes in contact with the elite oligarchy that dominates (overtly or implicitly) he notes that according to them  the problem of the civilization is that the good, virtuous and worthy people are few  and are those that i dominate and have, while the bad , immoral and unworthy are the many,  who are dominated and have not. So the issue is how to defend the good and few, and will fight the bad and many.

On the other hand when someone comes in contact with the majority that is  dominated (overtly or implicitly) he notes that according to them  the problem of the civilization is that the  many are sufficiently good, virtuous and worthy, and are those that are dominated and do not have, while the few that dominate and have, are the bad, immoral, and unworthy to stand up to the planet circumstances. So the issue is how to defend the many and good, and fight the few and bad.

To my mind, it is quite certain, that the inequalities between those that dominate and have against those who are dominated and do not have, are themselves the source of delays in the development of the civilization.

We are used to say that we respect and want and have democracy as our decision making system. We should not take though in plane face value the statement that we do have democracy; In ancient Greece, from where the word democracy is adopted, they implemented democracy with various methods that included as a main technique  the 'random draw" (an experiment of randomness) so as to decide which person would take which role. This method is based on the assumption of almost equal spiritual maturity and abilities of the candidates. It was for them a very honest and strong weapon against crypto-malevolent secrete agreements, scheming, conspiracies  etc. 

If e.g. the contemporary USA democracy was to function as the ancient Greek Athenian democracy, the next should happen
1) The people are deciding by voting every week (e.g. through the internet) about all issues.
2) The parliament does not decide, but prepares the form of texts and laws that the people who must decide and vote weekly. It also collects the necessary expertise and consultancy for the Lords to conduct their services. The parliament is created itself by "random draw" , and services at most  for 2 years.
3) The ministers, secretary generals and governmental officials (the ancient term was Lords, Αρχοντες) are defined by "random draw" from the people, service for one year, are trained and tested by the parliament and at the end of their services are audited by the parliament. In special cases such Lords are elected by voting from experts, when the responsibilities require considerable expertise. 
4) The senate which is a long-term instrument, is also elected by "random draw" from people who have serviced in the past as Lords, and is focusing on long-term issues of the state.
5) There are no political parties, and indirect representation of people's will. 

We hardly use any such methods in what we call democracy in the present times, with the excuse, that it may not be under the principle of meritocracy. Neverthless it may be the case that we might need such techniques of ancient Greece, more than ever.  There are may types of modes of the democracy, for small, medium or large population size communities or societies. Direct democracy, indirect, with voting, with random draw (experiment of luck) or not etc. What is more important is not only the "how" of the democracy but also the "why" of the democracy; I other words what was the real intention of those that introduced and practiced democracy, because this means that we may need to invent new modes of democracy, suitable for our situation while keeping the basic spirit and intentions of democracy. Transparency, trust and accountability are of paramount importance, as  long as they are  not abused and used in a regressive and harmful way rather than progressive way.

The "why" of the methods of democracy, include
1) The methods and "how" of democracy are derived from the requirement that the decision making and action, should be the best for both the collective group and each individual person simultenously (a win-win case). Neither above the other. (While e.g, in war and military organizations the collective group is put more often above the life of a single soldier).
2) The principle of equivalence of each person with no exceptions, as far as his right of expression, and weight  of partcipation in decision making.
3) Direct democracy is based on the principle that each person is directly involved in the decision making. The internet might one day contribute to the ideal of direct democracy again.
4) Indirect democracy is no unavoidable due to the sizes of the populations given the current development of the internet, and indirect representation should be kept in as few steps as possible, to avoid loss of confidence and exactness of the choices and the will of each citizen.

We may summarize the trend of evolution in humanity in the last centuries and the current century in the following 3 stages 

Feudalism: A Royal  oligarchy gains it power over the majority my owning the land.
Capitalism: A larger than the Royal oligarchy gains it power over the majority by owning the issuing and circulation of money.
Digitalism: An even larger oligarchy than the large capital of the banks, gains its power over the majority by owning the circulation and distribution of the information inside and outside  the internet.

In all these three stages of evolution , there is the source of will that always a minority will control the majority, and also a source of will that the majority controls the majority with self-responsibility and participative democracy. The battle is constant but the evolution is toward more liberty and equality. 

We may have to remind to  ourselves, in this economic crisis, the basic operating principles of the current societies.


"The reality of the experience of life, is based on a system of spiritual and perhaps subconscious (implicit) or  explicit beliefs. Changing these beliefs will result in changing our reality and changing our fate. "

    This principle is crucial, as it determines that the society is to function without violating civil liberties. The seven basic personal freedoms are
1.1) The spiritual freedom (freedom of religion)
1.2) H freedom of political decision (Democracy, or rather direct-democracy)
1.3) The   freedom of he creative-expressions (freedom of speech)
1.4) The moral freedom (freedom from fear)
1.5) Economic freedom (freedom from  want)
1.6) The physical freedom (actions, activities).
1.7) The freedom of private property (having).

(Here Roosevelt is stating 4 of the essential freedoms
          Because of 7th individual freedom of private property, it is necessary the use of some form of money (not necessarily banking money). It is the nature of money and of the free market to create economic inequalities. If there was no private property, then we would not need to use some form of money and the economic and living standards inequalities  would not be inevitable. Only political power , especially direct democracy can  tame and reduce economic inequalities. Not the oligarchic economic power itself. Inequalities in society (economic, authoritarian, other social power etc.) is a source of misery, unhappiness, crime, lack of trust, mental illness, etc. The current social  inequalities are not identical with the actual psychic  meritocracy. A society with many inequalities has slower evolution  and is a less advanced civilization, compared to  a society with fewer inequalities. E.g. the killing capacity inequalities for survival in the jungle is a system of most slow collective evolution. From this principle it follows, that a monarchical or oligarchic society evolves more slowly than a democratic society. And   at least for this reason democracy  is preferred. Money and the economic power, can not unite people and bring prosperity, because it is in the nature of money to create  inequalities. The political power, particularly of direct democracy can tame and control  the economic inequalities with laws and institutions and bring more justice. The principle of equality applies also on to that all citizens are equal as far as the laws are concerned.

         This principle suggests that the primary treatment of each of our fellow man is positive and not negative. The morality of  mercy, compassion, and positive empathy is a key element, creating equality and the ability to combine up individual talents into a collective civilization of the society, so that  conversely each person can benefit at maximum from the society.


           The power is not only the political power i.e. the legislative and the executive, but there are very significant other powers, such as economic (private sector), military, religious, and the authorities of the function of the state (public authorities, and services, justice, police, etc. ). To these we can add the more impersonal, like th power of science and technology.
 Furthermore we may distinguish the powers to
1) From people to people
 2) From people in inorganic physical reality.
Based on the principle of equality, the second type of power is ore appropriate and ideal for the humans compared with first type.
The powers have priorities and reversing these priorities can and has became a source of misery , unhappiness and crimes. E.g. The economic power (the private sector) should not take precedence and override the political power, or the political power to succumb and bend to the oligarchic economic power. Political power has the top priority among all. Money and the economic power, can not unite people and bring prosperity, because it is in the nature of money to create inequalities. The political power, particularly that of the direct democracy can tame and control  the economic inequalities with laws and institutions and bring more justice.
BUT every form of power, and the political also,  exists so as to serve  the human  (immortal) soul and its evolution. Power is not an end in itself.

       5) THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSISTENCY (Justice, education etc.)
           Society would be neither serious nor viable, if it did not practice  the principle of consistency. This means does not mean only that law should be enforced with  justice. E.g. in education, the principle of consistency means that, all the knowledge that is essential and crucial  for the survival of the civilization, must pass across the totality of the new generation. Not only the basic and elementary knowledge while the rest and more advanced to  a minority only. This maximizes survivability and the successful continuation of the civilization.

    According to this principle, every individual has not only rights in society but also obligations. The basic obligation of each person which is also a virtue, is the participation in society and its functions. The person should tend to be social. Each individual is offering to the society according to his abilities, and is receiving from the society according to his needs. On the other hand, this principle, pushes the society to participate in wider sets of other societies, based always on the respect of the above principles.


According to this principle, the small organizations (municipalities, local government, enterprises, universities, etc.) should tend to operate, in decision making, as the political democratic decision-making in the large scale public sector, and not vice versa.

The large scale, undertakes to decide only what the small scale is not in a position  to decide (subsidiarity). The larger the size of a society, the greater the opportunities, of a common person, to benefit  during the mortal life  from the society more than  what  he himself is able to offer to the society.

Communities experience the origins of democracy. Their size cannot be larger than what  the soul power of each member can give for a "group soul". This is also the reason why democracy is of so high quality in communities, while very often it is jeopardised or seems without "logic" in large populations of millions of people. Our collective soul power (at the present state of evolution) is not enough for a large scale democracy of  high qualityAnd this also the reason, that the private sector enterprises (when they  are smaller groups) , function better, while the public sector is not so efficient: The soul power and spiritual realization of the officials of the public sector cannot cover the necessary best decisions that collective needs require.
This does not mean that we should give up, the public sector, and the democracy for all. Any substitution with indirect-hierarchical types of indirect public decision making or substitution with the domination of the society by an ultra-power private organization (e.g. the central bank or a multinational company)  would lead fast to plane or hidden, respectively, oligarchy or totalitarianism. 

But what would democracy mean and how it should be in the global planetary societies that we live now? How the global is represented properly in to the local ?

The critical and important decisions about the road that the individual and the civilizations is headed in economics, technology and power, cannot be taken outside the individual, transparent social developments, and outside transparent democratic politics, in a secrete way, by private groups , enterprises and power secrete state-based groups (e.g. terrorist groups, and some times "anti-terrorist" groups,  central banks etc) ,  more powerful than the governments and democracy.

In a political system, where the elected president, or prime minister, is not allowed to access (because he does not have "clearance" to such classified information) critical information about, available technology, and financing, alien affiliations and goals etc, is not a true democracy; In a political system where the government has no power or right to ask for a finacial auditing the central monetary bank, is not a true democracy. It is a hijcaked democracy or a crypto-piracy behind a theatrical democracy.  And this is not so for one, but for many countries.One gets the feeling as if  this crypto-piracy has become the vehicle of an alien monstrous intention of destroying the major part of humanity , in a way that it seems that it was by environment neglecting, over-population mutual aggressiveness, financial over-debt etc., so that finally the remaining humanity becomes enslaved to this monstrous alien intention. 

The individual in true democracy has

1) Responsible freedom of self-determination 
2) Becomes truly self-confident and free to  be responsible as much as possible for his (her) self, without being coerced to accept some higher institutional authority, or  allow private groups to degrade the quality of public and private life.

I will not enlarge more on the above, and I will proceed to the fact that the leaders of a society as a "political natural selection", very often reflect the maturity of the people. The society will be lucky if a leader is with quite a lot  more advanced spiritual maturity than the people, as long as they do not crucify him. Conversely the society is  unlucky if an elected leader is with lower than the average spiritual maturity. 

Here is a quote by Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

You may very appropriately want to ask me how we are going to resolve the ever-acceleratingly dangerous impasse of world-opposed politicians and ideological dogmas. I answer, it will be resolved by the computer.

Some more details about the topic of the post:

We live in a mixed economic system, where both the public sector and the private sector are supposed to contribute to the collective common good. Very often we observe cycles in politics with an expanding (decentralization)  phase, and a contracting (centralization) phase. In the expanding phase  the private sector is increased compared to the public sector, and the various organizations are highly diversified and refined in to many different organizations. Many public organizations become private organizations. This is especially good if the old scheme organizations have old-fashioned or inappropriate administrations incapable of coping with  the challenges of the times. Such an expanding phase is characterized with abundance of cash, increased spending, usually inflation and increased economic inequalities. 
And then we observe contracting (centralization)  phases, where the many different private or not organizations are unified and merged in to larger units, reducing costs , and minimalizing the centres of decision making. Many private organizations become public organizations. Such and the contracting phase is characterized with lack of cash,  usually low inflation or even deflation and decreasing economic inequalities. 
Although the cycles contain both expanding and contracting phases, the two are not equal. It is more of a spiral of evolution rather than static cycles. The convergence is to higher centralization, larger organization units, cost reduction, and reduction of vain over-activity. Nevertheless, this can never happen in an abrupt , or steady way, as we know that it would lead to oligarchy, dictatorship, totalitarianism and types of tyranny. Some times the best path for future better quality centralization is a shorter-term decentralization. The evolution with such cycles and expanding-contracting phases guarantees that the power has quality, spiritual evolution, and  reflects most of the intelligence, qualities and abilities of the society. 
Politicien proceed to the phases of these cycles according to their wisdom, and by the "Rule of the thump". 

The principle of self-similar, power organization of the society should be preferred; and it is of vital importance to keep uniform the values of democracy at all levels of society, and have an easy going society. This means that the smaller organizational parts of the society like a miniature state, should follow the same democratic procedures of decision-making rules, as the whole of the democratic political system itself. 
Maybe it is not far away the day that some private sector enterprises will follow in all levels democratic procedures as if  of a democratic state. In other words:
1) Limited power differences: The larger majority of the shares of the enterprise are owned by the personnel itself. There is an upper bound to the percentage of the shares that a member can possess.
2) Managers have double-confidence election; In other words are elected successfully both from higher  ranks and from their equal or lower ranks too, separately, first the one side then the other. 
Such an enterprise would suffer less from work-alienation.
And even more that the public sector is to be organized in smaller units, with innovative similar principles.
The current over-debt monetary system and crisis has the converse effect: Instead that the enterprises be organized in a democratic way as miniature autonomous states, the public state itself turns toward an "economically alienated by over-debt enterprise".

The more the human individuals and society evolves, the less the usual power structures (even as above) are needed. The more the human consciousness evolves, the more the hierarchical power structures in the society, (either in enterprises, or public state services.) are realized and perceived as abuse to the human consciousness, and abandoned and substituted with other non-hierarchical interplay. Almost, as in the ideal republic of Kalipolis of the ancient Greek Plato. The more evolved individuals and society we become the more we shift from the pattern of win-lose (controlling)  or lose-win (being controlled) to the pattern of win-win (what mutually we seek), and lose-lose (what mutually we try to avoid).

Among the modern innovations in small groups decision making we cannot by highlight the method of the "six colored thinking hats" by Eduard deBono.
(see e.g.    and ).
And for a more exact, elaborate and enhanced approach see the method of colored logics:
It is a very effective and mind-developing method of group parallel thinking. Different  sequences of colored thinking hats and logics constitute  different  thinking and decision making strategies suitable for the different sensitivities of educators, businessmen, economists, artists, creators, politicians etc.

Here is the 3rd part of the zeitgeist video Moving Forward  that talks about relevant matters.

1) Beliefs referring to , the physical reality, and cosmology.

1.1) The universe was not created by a Big Bang 13-14 billion years ago. It is by far more reasonable and probable that there is a  swirl motion of galaxies and stars that increases and decreases the world entropy  periodically , and that it may not be improbable that the universes age is about 21 trillion years, as many galactic civilization 3-4 thousand years more advanced that us, believe. 
For the periodic motion see e.g.

1.2) The physical reality is not exhausted by the matter that we know , which is  made from protons neutrons and electrons (the only permanent and  free particles, anti-matter not included). On the contrary there are many more similar layers of matter , made from such triads of smaller free and permanent particles. Each such  layer having a frequency. Therefore although  the layer of matter that we know (made from protons neutron electrons, and which is only one frequency of material reality) may have an age of 21 billion years (as as many galactic civilization 3-4 thousand years, more advanced than us believe) the universe as a whole, having more such frequencies-layers, should be older. The advanced civilizations in the galaxy report at least 10 such material physical frequencies-layers. The last one the 10th created recently during the 90s. The next (second) frequency-layer material reality after the one that we know, has sometimes being called aether in the history of the human civilization. The term frequency, in the matter we know, refers to the average frequency of the spin of protons, neutrons, and electrons, or to be more sophisticated to the Compton-DeBroglie frequency of the elementary free permanent particles like the electron. This density physical reality and all its protons, neutrons and electrons was not created by any big bang but it  was created simultaneously by an emanating frequency in higher density realities from the Black Holes, (which of course in higher realms are super bright stars too). 
(For the numbering of the frequencies of physical material realities see post 12) 

1.3) The interior of the earth is not full completely from magma and high temperature matter. It does hold that from the center and till the 2/3 of the radius of earth it is hollow with inner atmosphere  and it has a bluish sun-like gaseous fiery ball at the center. In order to understand this we should have more advanced scientific theory of gravitation than the one we have. This fact of hollow planet, holds for almost all planets and stars in the galaxies.

 Here is an 3D animation video, which gives the above assumed concept (in the video the width of the shell is shown half of what mentioned here)

2) Beliefs referring to the history and creation of life, and civilizations, among the galaxies, and and also history and creation of life on earth, and earthly civilizations.

2.1)  Life and civilizations exist  elsewhere too, on planets of other solar systems of  the galaxies, as they exists on earth on the known material reality (and frequency) . But they exist also in higher frequencies or layers of material realities, both in our solar system (e.g. higher 3rd frequency (aetherial) invisible satellites of planet Jupiter) as well as in other solar systems.  Each living planet can hold as tonal frequency,  one only frequency. There are 4 types of living biospheres (in our known 1st frequency physical reality) of planets among the galaxies. 1) that of  hydrogen H2 , the most common 2) that of ammonia NH3 3) that of methane CH4 4) that of oxygen O2, the most rare and complicated. Most of the living biosphere , with their plants and animals, where transplanted from other biospheres. It is believed that the Founders (a civilization or group of existences) were the first to create living biospheres, and by now they have withdrawn to higher frequencies and spheres of realities.  Life itself as a whole and as a living  biosphere is initially created in higher frequencies (aethereal) realities and then by lowering the frequency, it appears as if magically on our visible material reality. Then it continues its creation and evolution in the "Darwinian way" within the lower frequency or by interventions of lower creators with genetic engineering and manipulation.  From this point of view of initial creation, we may say that life is at first created in the spirit before it appears in matter. 

2.2) The intelligent civilizations in the local area of  galaxies make alliances and groups according to their common values, power, DNA lineage etc. 

2.3) Our earthly human mammal civilization (called by us Homo-Sapiens) is not a pure indigenous earthly specie of humanoids, but it started coming  on earth  as colonizers or refugees from other solar systems in the galaxy. This may have happened even up to 50 millions of years ago, but as easily proven fact, reported from other galactic civilizations give, it has happened at least  700 thousand years ago. 

2.4 ) It is not the first time (as DNA lineage) that we evolve at our current civilization level. We were more advanced  in the past on this planet.  E.g. the stories of Lemuria and Atlantis till 31 and 27 thousand years B.C respectively. 

2.5) Coinciding with the creation of the new 10th frequency cosmic physical material layer during the 90s, it became widely known among the civilizations of the galaxies, that all life and planetary civilizations at the known 1st frequency material layers (like earth) will eventually "jump" in frequency or migrate to the 2nd or higher frequency material layers (aetherial) , as whole planetary worlds. The 1st frequency physical material layer all over the world   will no longer serve as a layer to host consciousness anymore throughout  out the galaxies.  Therefore as this, also, will be the way our planetary world will evolve, it is imperative to know more about life and civilizations in higher frequencies. E.g. it is reported that the human beings in 3rd frequency living planetary worlds, no longer need to feed themselves with other life-forms, but take their energy from their sun. And it is also reported that already the planet Jupiter, that we know it as planet in the 1st frequency material reality, it is a blue sun, in the 3rd frequency (aetherial)  material reality, and  it has satellite , with living and advanced human civilization (in the 3rd frequency, or 2nd aethereal, or 5th density physical reality)  

3) Beliefs referring to the how a society and civilization must or can function, beliefs about money, power, fame, and human rights.

3.1) The more advanced is a civilization the less the inequalities of technology, living standards and political power of humans in the same frequency physical reality. Nevertheless a civilization can exist inn 3 or 4 consecutive frequencies physical realities (aetherial)  not only in one (as we know it on earth).  The more advanced a civilization, the faster it evolves, and shifts from frequency to higher frequency. 

3.2) The current economic inequalities are  less   than 20% a reflection of the meritocracy of the having ones versus the non-having ones, and more than 80% a result of the law of activities "money attracts more money". In other words, economic inequalities, it is one of the basic properties of money and the "free-market"  game of private property.  Economic inequalities do apply automatically a deadly, negative , massive scale, destructive will, in the population, unless there is an effort to reduce and eliminate them.

3.3) Therefore a new basic human right is needed, that of minimum guaranteed standards of living (or minimum garanteed unconditional income) ,either if he/she works or not , and at all ages, which includes health, food, cloths, house, transportation.

3.4) Eventually a planetary civilization will not function by utilizing money and private property. But as long as it does in its early stages of evolution, the currency should be eventually issued only the  public state, and should circulate in the society mainly without debt. (In other words eventually without a banking system). In addition the right of the capital, to buy whole companies, and their human resources power, or the human working time, it is  a form of partial and indirect slavery, and it will be abandoned, as the civilization advances. Survival of the individual by making a living through selling his/her working-time, will have to be abandoned,  as the mode of social life of the individual, as the civilization becomes more evolved. But all changes follow not by direct external social forced revolutions, but only after sufficient evolution of the souls of the individuals and the collective, so that the responsibility of the common good is active in each one, and not manipulated by a minority of usurpers of it (Governments, political parties, money oligarchy,etc as e.g. in the ex Soviet Union or current societies)

3.5) As a civilization advances, it abandons the carnivorous habits and turns in to vegetarian habits. 

3.6) The social and personal success of a human being is more about realizing the intent of the soul and advancing the inner perception, and less about acquiring by itself, material possessions, or social power etc. 

3.7) When a civilization is sufficiently advanced, all the communication between the individuals is through voiceless telepathic spiritual ability, of communicating 3-dimensional inner holographic pictures between each other, in a intuitive way.  Therefore our internet is a gross technological external early reflection of this future collective spiritual ability. This spiritual ability increases equality among people, and creates a non-hierarchical, in the political will, society.

4) Beliefs referring to the human existence, its evolution , values and abilities 

4.1) It is  true that in the very existence of any single human being, there is the ability of miracles. It is not only that the God, or God's invocation that could make miracles. But this ability of miracles , as creative power, of the human beings, in this planet and its civilizations, has being blocked by a collective system of beliefs, relevant to the history of the particular planet and current civilization.

4.2) The human beings as souls, are magnificent and glorious immortal existences and perceivers. Souls are incarnated and reincarnated in mortal physical (of various level frequencies) human bodies. Most earthly humans have been before incarnated, in the past, in other civilizations, of other solar systems, some more times repeatedly in this planet, and some in higher frequencies material realities of other solar systems. The more advanced a civilization is, the  happier and healthier are its members, and the higher the frequency of their physical bodies. The higher the frequency in their bodies, the more love and joy  is felt , expressed , practiced and experienced. Love is the action of entertained consciousnesses of unity or oneness.  The higher the frequency and the more the love then  the more the human existence takes responsibility of its fate and way of existence , and also the more the freedom and the higher the creative powers. In addition the higher their physical  frequency, the longer the life of the human beings. 

4.3) Given that the current earthly civilization, is an emerging yet, of not very high degree of evolution, while the incarnated human existences may be, by far more experienced and advanced, it is the civilization's values and principles that must evolve and fit to the deeper values and principles of the immortal human existence, and not the opposite. But when the civilization will be sufficient advanced, then the  responsibility of the common good is active in each one, the needs of the many out-weight the needs of the few, and the common good is not manipulated by a minority of usurpers of it (either public Governments, political parties, or private money oligarchy,etc as e.g. in the ex Soviet Union or current western societies)