Friday, July 20, 2012

5. For the communal life

In short:

Communities are rare in societies but very valuable. In the past centuries most of the communities had a religious specialization (monastery communities) , and were respected. 
In modern societies the communities have enhanced their focus to many different values like
eco-sustainability, spirituality, renewable energy model, art-creativity, better human relations etc

Communities are like the ideal city "Kalipolis"  in the dialogue of  "Republic" of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. 

0. And ideal community has the 3 values of the French Revolution 
a) Equality
b) Brotherhood
c) Freedom 

Furthermore as far as freedom is concerned the 4 freedoms of Roosvelt

a) Freedom of the metaphysical
b) Freedom of expression
c) Freedom from fear
d) Freedom from need.

Communities are better understood by what issues  they do not have rather , than what they have , compared to standard societies.

An ideal community does not have 

1) Does not have economic oligarchy that rules the rest neither a minority in need. In other words no living-standards inequalities. Ideally they do not utilize money at all, which of course requires that they don't have private property, but rather a common property. This of course does not mean that , each one does not has cloths or personal belongings that he/she only uses. We mean more of the strategic resources of the community. From this ideal here are deviations that do allow private property, within some equality constraints, and even local complementary currencies. 

2) The system of decisions is more or less that of direct democracy , in other words based on equality, equal honor , respect and fairness.

3) There is no ecological destruction of the planet. They utilize permaculture or sustainable and ecologically friendly, agriculture. 

4) There is no animal slavery, animal killing,  and animal eating. The nutrition models is mainly vegetarian (as it contains less violence, more health, and more planetary economy).

5) There is highly reduced CO2 pollution of the atmosphere, and the energy model is that of clean renewable energy.

6) There is no vain over-activity,  waste of human efforts or waste of material energy. 

7) The behavior and interpersonal relations are without ulterior motives, pretension and deceptions. 

8) The utilized science, technology and arts are non-regressive (with  hidden negative intentions and negative results, behind a superficial goodness and positivism)

9) There is no criminality.

10) There is better ordering of values and exist higher spiritual principles.  

True and good communities had and have the quality of saints (holiness) and a sense of sacred actions. But holiness should be understood here not as  a quality of being pathetic and weak, but as higher frequency of the body and the consciousness; a  necessary condition for higher development of powerful future intelligence  for the civilization. Communities experience the origins of democracy. Their size cannot be larger than what  the soul power of each member can give for a "group soul". This is also the reason why democracy is very often jeopardised or seems without "logic" in large populations of millions of people. Our collective soul power (at the present state of evolution) is not enough for the necessary quality that large scale democracy requires. 

 Some of the modern comprise almost all of the liberating values in this Blog, and are brilliant examples of miniatures of societies where all the basic 7 difficulties of the current civilization (see post 1) are resolved. That is why living in them is so much more a happy experience , than the average living in the rest of the societies.
Communities are not only a laboratory of the future of the civilization, but also a very significant healing influence to the rest of the societies.
By the very nature of the rather tight relations in a community, an individual can find the missing larger-scale of intimacy (compared to the scale of intimacy of a couple) which may heal his emotional and spiritual world. Within a community he may find the true key values for a happy couples and family life. He creates his new communitarian self, and cultivates the value of true friendship.
The main ethical values in a community are spiritual freedom, economic freedom and moral freedom. Also truth,  trust, mutual support,  responsible participation, and a similar  experience of life of shared values.


The administrative organization of communities includes the next innovations:

1) There may be degrees for the rights of participation and obligations, of the members to the commons 
2) The democratic procedures rule through out. I am afraid communities may not be based all the times to  the obligatory 100% votes agreement (unanimity, unison). Of course consensus decision making with unaminity is a rare and valuable method. It may or may not occur if the time is limited.  Emotional  unity and solidarity should no be confused with intellectual and volitional concurrence. Respect of the free will and expression is a primary value. In some cases it may be necessary to  resort to random draws as technique for role assignment.
3) Intermediate management positions have double-confidence; In other words  the same manager is   to be elected successfully with democratic procedures, both bottom-up (from lower ranks) and top-down (higher ranks),separately, first the one side then the other. 
4) Limited power differences:The larger majority of the shares of the enterprise-community must be hold by the personnel or members themselves. There is an upper bound to the percentage of shares that a member may possess. In this way alienation of the work ,  alienation of ownership and  alienation of the resources is avoided.
5) Absence of financial alienation: The Financial liabilities are less than 1/3 of the assets, so again financial alienation is avoided. This is achieved by preferring co-ownership to borrowing.
6) Other basic functions of a large society like education, cultural performances, health care, and justice are operated in an elementary way directly by appropriate boards.

The next are some rather large and very succesful communities in Europe:

The financially exportable product of eco-communities is not so much biological products, but education, cultural influence, conferences etc, in other words intangible civilization services
See e.g.

Scotland: Findhorn

Germany: ZEGG

The property in ZEGG functions as an S.A. corporation, and the shares are about 5,000 euro. The monthly cost of living there is (2014) about 500-600 euros.

Portugal: Tamera

In Tamera, they have developed a very good technique, 
and example of how to fight the desertification effect in 
Mediterranean and create Lakes, from the rain.

Italy: Damanhur

The ubuntu liberation communities movement in South africa

A list of many smaller